The Family

The Family

Thursday, June 30, 2016

MRI Results- End of June

To start this update off, Dad asked that I share the link for my fundraising page for Pedal the Cause again, this is a 20 mile bike ride that raises money for cancer research. 100% of the funds raised go to research at Siteman Cancer Center (where Dad is currently receiving treatment) and St. Louis Children's Hospital. Last year, there were two funded projects that focused on Glioblastomas. The link is below, I really appreciate everyone's support!!! I am about halfway to my fundraising goal and still have almost 3 months left of training.

Yesterday we had appointments with neurology and medical oncology to get the results from the MRI Dad had on June 27th. This was a routine MRI that is normally scheduled every two months. Both doctors agree that the original tumor located in the frontal lobe looks stable and has not really changed since the previous MRI. He has gotten stronger in his left leg and appears to be doing well clinically-- meaning his appetite, motor function, etc is currently really good.

The new spot they've been monitoring has gotten larger, however there appears to be less blood flowing to that area now compared to two months ago. GBM's are typically very vascular and have lots of blood flow to them, the decreased blood flow starts to point towards something called radiation necrosis. Radiation necrosis is basically just dead, swollen tissue from radiation that can sometimes mimic a tumor. The only way to know for sure if it's a tumor or necrosis would be to do a biopsy, there's no way of knowing 100% one way or another. However between the decreased blow flow and the fact he's doing so well clinically, they are leaning towards necrosis.

Dad will be on tumor board on July 11th, this is basically just a big meeting with all the doctors and they get together and discuss patients, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. For now, Dad will have an MRI in 6 weeks and if the MRI is still stable he will most likely continue the same course of treatment. If the MRI looks worse, at that point there will be no standard of care and we turn to investigational treatment, clinical trials if they are available or possibly immunotherapy.

The first picture is from Father's Day, Mikayla and I got him a blanket with family photos on it! The other photo is from a wedding we went to on June 11th.